Tuesday 17 January 2012


    The issue censorship reminds me of just being a child. When we were kids, we were always told to do by our elders on what they think is right. Some were right decisions, but some were not. However, we do not have the freedom to choose what is right for us because those elders think we do not know whats best. Then as time flies by, we grow, learn new things, and observe how the world is changing around us, this is when we start to rebel. Like the people from China, being oppressed by their right of freedom of expression pushes them to challenge on what they see as wrong.

    I wonder when China will finally make a change. We live in the twenty-first century, a room for changes, will the country be able to be more flexible on how to rule its people? I certainly hope it can change for the better for its people because if they dont, people will still keep pushing. Especially when they feel strongly oppose to this ruling of media censorship. Its the right to express ones self, no one should take away that from anyone. This kind of problems is what drives activists to fight for freedom.

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